I am looking for M.S. and/or Ph.D. students to join my research group. Please feel free to contact me (Dr. Glenn Sharman, gsharman@uark.edu) if you are interested in studying topics related to sedimentary provenance analysis and/or detrital geochronology. Students in my group use a combination of lab-, field-, and coding-based approaches to solve pressing Earth science questions!


Research Highlight

Former M.S. student Ben Howard recently published an article in Terra Nova. Ben compiled a large dataset of tandem U-Pb dates from zircon to demonstrate a systematic bias in laser ablation U-Pb dating relative to CA-TIMS.

Research Highlight

Check out M.S. student Isaac Johnson’s paper published in JGR Earth Surface. Isaac used machine learning to predict the modal composition of fluvial sand at the global scale!

3D outcrop model of the Dinosaur Canyon Member of the Moenave Formation.


Panoramic view of Snow Canyon, Utah, from the recent Arkansas Spring Break field trip, let by Celina and Andy.


Here's a Wordle of abstracts from my peer-reviewed articles (see Publications page). "Sediment", "Deposit", and "Basin" came out on top with 64, 52, and 39 occurrences each!

Some of the first detrital zircon U-Pb ages produced from the Trace Element and Radiogenic Isotope Laboratory (TRAIL) at the University of Arkansas! These data are from a 13,000 year old sample from a submarine fan offshore southern California

I'm excited to announce a new project with Devon Energy on using 3D Digital Outcrop Modeling as an Analog for Subsurface Reservoir Characterization! I am looking for a motivated M.S. student to work on this project, starting Fall 2018. Please contact Dr. Glenn Sharman (gsharman@uark.edu) if interested.


Sam Johnstone and I recently coauthored a paper in Earth and Planetary Science Letters called Sediment Unmixing using Detrital Geochronology. This figure illustrates forward mixing models using a number of different goodness-of-fit metrics.